
Psychotherapeutic Counselling.

We all face times of uncertainty and change during our life. Life by its very nature is always changing; adapting, advancing and receding. Going through any sort of change whether it is enforced or planned can put pressure on our emotions and mental health. Whether you need bereavement support, help navigating a change of direction or someone to listen, please get in touch with me:

I offer one to one sessions which embrace the pluralistic approach to counselling. This includes Humanistic, Psychodynamic and CBT. Humanistic, also known as person-centred, is a form of therapy that harnesses the client’s innate self-healing process. Given the right relationship with the therapist, the client can decide how they want to direct their own life experience. Using a humanistic approach puts the client’s perception central to the therapy.

The psychodynamic approach to therapy introduces the client to the unconscious part of their mind in order for them to understand the driving force behind their symptoms or emotional distress. This approach reaches into the past to see how it affects the individual in the present. It helps to discover any self-defeating behaviours that prevents an individual reach their goals.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) provides the indiviadual with tools to break any cycles of thought and emotion that causes distress and to replace them with new methods that better support their healing process and goals in life.

I also volunteer my services to Cruse (UK) Bereavement Support. Cruse offer group and one to one sessions to help bereaved people to navigate their journey through grief. Grief is an unique process for each individual and cannot be hurried or dismissed. Giving attention to our emotions and memories of the bereaved helps us to untangle the web of thoughts and emotions. At times it feels like walking through dense fog but therapy can provide the silver thread that helps you navigate your way until you find more clear days than fog.

I also specialise in helping people who find themselves at a crossroads in life, whether it is from invited or uninvited change. Using the three strands of Pluralistic Therapy can help to unlock the behavioural patterns that keeps us from meeting our potential.


Email me at

Text or Phone (UK+44) 07902-779513

I offer online, one to one sessions on zoom. Appointments are made to suit both parties and differing time zones. I welcome all inquiries, and an initial consultation of 15 minutes is free.

Counselling Session

Online one-to-one therapy session – 1 hour (Euro and US dollars converted by exchange rate).



Professional Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling from The Prince’s Trust (UK).

Diploma in Counselling Skills and Theory from The Prince’s Trust (UK).

Certificate in Hypnotherapy and Relaxation (UK).

Certificate in Bereavement Support from Cruse (UK).

Prince’s Trust Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling.


Therapy is a safe place to document and explore our findings, to discover how the threads of our past has woven the fabric of our present experiences, and how to spool a new thread and weave a better future.
― Collette O’Mahony, A Compass for Change.

“The secret of real success is to accept who you are, believe in it and stop trying to model yourself on someone else or what you think is expected of you. Aim to shape your life in as many ways that are possible to provide conditions that enhance your true nature and values.”
― Collette O’Mahony, In Quest of Love: A Guide to Inner Harmony and Wellbeing in Relationships

Cruse Bereavement Training

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